• Question: what is your goal for the future

    Asked by anon-297574 to Lisa on 5 Jul 2021.
    • Photo: Lisa Newson

      Lisa Newson answered on 5 Jul 2021:

      My goal for the future, is to continue making an impact on peoples lives.
      Whilst I am currently an Associate Professor (AKA), its never been my goal to be a professor in academia, i might go for full prof status in a few years but this isnt really what i am about. I would like to
      1) help people living with obesity- so that they are supported psychologically (i believe we are too stuck on blame and behaviour in this topic and we need to help people manage the undercover psychological needs first). I would like with this topic for people to be less stigmatising about this health condition. This is particularly important for children and young people.
      2) with type 2 diabetes, i would like to improve the role of social support in care, and to improve the psychological interventions available to help people manage their condition.
      3) i am currently working with a housing association about healthy homes, health tenants and healthy communities- my hope over the next 2 years is that we will have improved the lives of 6k tenants in terms of their community health and community wealth.

      What is your goal for the future?
      come back to me if you want any additional info
